
Atkins’ followers also risk cancer. Studies at Harvard and elsewhere involving tens of thousands of women and men have shown that regular meat consumption may increase colon cancer risk as much as 300 percent.[281-282] As one Harvard School of Public health researcher noted, because of the meat content, two years on the Atkins Diet “could initiate a cancer. It could show up as a polyp in 7 years and as colon cancer in ten.”[283] Another Harvard study showed that women with the highest intake of animal fat seem to have over a 75% greater risk of developing breast cancer.[285]

It’s tragically ironic that after McDonalds’ CEO apparently dropped dead of a heart attack in 2004, their new CEO was in the operating room with colo-rectal cancer only 16 days later.[284]

The most comprehensive report on diet and cancer in history was published in 1997. It took over four years to complete, reviewing 4500 studies from thousands of researchers across the globe–a landmark scientific consensus document written by the top cancer researchers in the world. After all that work, what was their number one recommendation? “Choose a diet that is predominantly plant based, rich in a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans with minimally processed starchy foods.”[491] In other words, essentially the opposite of the Atkins Diet.

In the January issue of Scientific American it was noted: “Cancer is most frequent among those branches of the human race where carnivorous habits prevail.” That was the January issue in 1892![492] This is nothing new. What’s the number one recommendation of the American Institute for Cancer Research? Plant based diets.[493] The number one recommendation of the World Cancer Research Fund? Plant-based diets.[494] The number one recommendation of the National Cancer Institute, the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations? More fruits and vegetables.[495,496] The number one recommendation of the American Cancer Society? More plants, less meat.[497] In fact the American Cancer Society has officially condemned diets high in animal grease, concluding that “a low carb diet can be a high-risk option when it comes to health.”[286]